Author: Giss

  • Coca, Palabra-Mundo at the UN headquarters

    Exhibition to question the colonial mistake made by the United Nations in 1961 when it classified coca as a narcotic.

  • Comedor de Quelites Mixtecos

    Oral history and zine series project highlighting the stories of indigenous Mixtec women, sharing their connection to plants, migration, and resistance.


    Curatorial research project that brings together transdisciplinary artists, Indigenous authorities, and scholars, who resignify coca as a plant of power, medicine, and food.

  • Las Yerbas Apothecary

    Research residency space for collaborative learning and experimentation around plant-human relationships and artistic practices based on sacred plants.

  • Intergenerational Learning Alliance 2053

    A design fiction project showing a future where intergenerational learning is an integral part of New York’s educational system in 2053.

  • Making Tomorrows: Inquiries into Alternative Futures

    Through participatory workshops, the creation of physical artifacts, and embodied role play, this research project critically engages with alternative visions of the future through the lens of degrowth.

  • Los años maravillosos

    An experimental bilingual podcast exploring a relationship between two siblings and their childhood memories in a small town in the Colombian Andes.

  • Especie en viaje/Species in travel

    Illustrated songbook exploring climate-induced migration and its relationship with walking, species movement, and xenophobia.

  • The Future(s) of Food

    Podcast: An exploration of different pathways for a broken global food system.

  • Media Narratives on Venezuelan migration

    Research on the role of the media in the creation of narratives around Venezuelan migration (2014-2022)